
Blogging #meLOL

Hi friends, as I skim through all the social media sites trying to learn blogging, analytics, social media networking, content and apps, I find so many great articles that I want to pass along but as this is a blogging site, I don’t want to clutter it up with just links as I find them.

So, if you’d like, I can be followed on Twitter @crquider and going forward I will try to tag all my posts with great blogging information and tips and tricks with #meLOL so they are easy to find.



Great WordPress Article re: WordPress Mistakes

I certainly know I’m guilty of some of these. Great article by Jeff Bullas (@jeffbullas) a master blogger, author and social media master.  The link to the full article, well worth the read, is below as are the bullet points.

“The 15 most common WordPress mistakes to avoid”

  1. Choosing the wrong platform
  2. Forgetting to change the default admin username
  3. Using an inappropriate or defective theme
  4. Staying with the default tagline “just another blog”
  5. Using the default favicon
  6. Complicated categories & tags (this one may be me!)
  7. Using the default permalink structure
  8. Not having a contact form
  9. Forgetting to install a caching plug-in
  10. Forgetting to create a back-up
  11. Ignoring WordPress updates
  12. Not using Google Analytics
  13. Making life difficult for mobile users
  14. Ignoring Gravatar & Google authorship markup
  15. Ignoring image optimization

68 Ultimate Blogging Tips (via Pauline Cabrera of TwelveSkip)

As a newbie to the blogging thing, I scour the web looking for insights on how best to blog, what to blog about and when and how.  This Post by Pauline Cabrera of TwelveSkip (that’s also a Pin) is quite comprehensive – I mean 68 tips – that’s amazing, so I’m adding it here for my review later and for yours!  😉

Thank you to Pauline Cabrera for sharing her wisdom with us!



Into the deep – exploring writing, blogging, branding …

links to inspiring and informational sites for
overcoming writer’s block, finding inspiration; writing software and apps and online presence and personal branding. – Inspiration for Writers – 11 cool sites
 – How to overcome writer’s block – 14 tricks that work by Jeff Goins

Ommwriter Dana
– Writing environment for Mac, PC, IPad

– Notegraphy is a completely new experience of writing and sharing text in your social networks.

Wikihow – Freewrite
 – This exercise is used by writers to gather their thoughts and ideas before they begin a document, with the result being an endless, non-punctuated, and free-flowing paragraph that’ll be immensely helpful in the preliminary writing process. – 68 best blogging tips – Bloggers Checklist 2014 – Be Unforgettable – Personal Brand Strategies  – 3 Habits that Separate Good Writers from Tragic Wannabes

Writing Down The Bones by Natalie Goldberg

I absolutely love this empowering little book – I found it at the thrift store and it was my inspiration for picking up the pen again after more than 30 years; I owe this blog to this book. Thank you Natalie Goldberg for this enthusiastic, humorous, insightful, instructional and motiving little gem of a book.

For more than twenty years Natalie Goldberg has been challenging and cheering on writers with her books and workshops. In her groundbreaking first book, she brings together Zen meditation and writing in a new way. Writing practice, as she calls it, is no different from other forms of Zen practice —”it is backed by two thousand years of studying the mind.”

This new edition, which marks almost twenty years since the original book’s publication, includes a new preface in which Goldberg expresses her trademark enthusiasm for writing practice, as well as a depth of appreciation for the process that has come with time and experience. Also included is an interview with the author in which she reflects on the relationship between Zen sitting practice and writing, the importance of place, and the power of memory.

Writing Down The Bones on